Sub Sponsor Actual Hours Report Please complete the below form with 10 working days of the last shift of the relevant week. [Previous Stage] RF33 Sub Sponsor Actual Hours Report Your name* Company* Your company e-mail:* Name of sub sponsored worker* Duties required of worker* Work site name and postcode* Start date of shift(s)* End date of shift(s)*Quantum has set the following workingtime limits:·Maximum shift length of 12 hours, with travel to be no more than 1 hour each way on top of shift.·Maximum of 72 hours worked in any 7 day period.·Maximum of 13 days continuous in any 14 day period.·Maximum travel time, including shift not to exceed 14 hours Actual Shift times* Actual Number of shifts* Actual Travel time to site* Actual Travel time from site* Accommodation name & postcode (enter none if none provided) * Any comments I confirm the above details are a true reflection of the travel time and hours worked. Type your name to signify your agreement. *SubmitReset