Worksite Inspection Form. RF09 SITE INSPECTION AUDIT1. HOUSEKEEPING/GENERAL ACCESS SUPERVISORS NAME* E-mail: (please check your email address is correct)* Site Location* Shift Date* Nature of Work* 1.1 Are any walkways, accesses or workplaces obstructed with rubbish, leads, equipment or material?* 1.2 Are there any openings left uncovered or unguarded?* 1.3 Are adequate welfare facilities available?* 1.4 Are access routes adequately lit?*2. PLANT, TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 2.1 Is plant being operated safely?* 2.2 Does plant appear in poor condition or badly maintained?* 2.3 Are there any moving parts of plant not suitably protected?* 2.4 Do staff who are operating plant and equipment have the correct competencies certificates available?* 2.5 Are the correct tools being used on site for performing the work?* 2.6 Are DECT coms being used where required?* 2.7 Are tools, plant and equipment correctly stored in vans when not in use?* 2.8 Has plant, tools and equipment been checked prior to use and is it in date?*3. PPE (PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT) 3.1 Check correct PPE being worn/ used correctly and in good condition?* 3.2 Are operatives wearing the Quantum Logo?* 3.3 Are any persons on site not wearing the eye protection required?* 3.4 Are any persons in noisy areas not wearing ear protection or in dusty conditions without masks?* 3.5 Are any persons on site not wearing gloves or safety footwear with toe and mid sole protection?* 3.6 Are any persons not wearing appropriate clothing or equipment e.g hig viz, harnesses?* 3.7 Is all PPE reasonably clean and in satisfactory condition?* 3.8 Are the correct armlets being worn by individuals where required?* 3.9 Do staff who wear contact lenses have a spare pair or prescription spectacles if required?* 3.10 Does the operative have access to replacement PPE?* 3.11 Are staff who wear prescription spectacles wearing protective over glasses/goggles or have a spare pair of prescription spectacles available?*4. SITE SERVICES/VEHICLES 4.1 Is there a lack of identification or protection to overhead or underground services?* 4.2 Is adequate room available for parking vehicles and delivering materials/plant?*5. FIRE/FIRST AID 5.1 Are site smoking rules being disregarded?* 5.2 Is the first aider for the site nominated and available and known to staff?* 5.3 Is adequate first aid equipment available?*6. MATERIALS 6.1 Are manual handling activities being carried out correctly (i.e correct number of people, equipment being used, correct lifting/carrying techniques, adequate communications)?*7. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS 7.1 Is control of distribution and collection of COSHH materials inadequate?* 7.2 Is there a risk of contaminating waterways or drains with silt or other pollutants from pumping?* 7.3 Are there drip trays/plant nappies available under static plant and in refuelling areas?* 7.4 Are spill kits available where they should be provided?* 7.5 Check temporary lighting has been erected and adequate for safe access/egress with suitable measures to prevent excessive glare in proximity to the track and highway?* 7.6 Are noise or dust levels high enough to cause complaint?*8. PAPERWORK/BRIEFING 8.1 Have all workers received a brief for the work they are undertaking?* 8.2 Have all workers received the latest SQE brief / newsletter - Record feedback?* 8.3 Do all workers have the relevant competencies / cards for inspection?* 8.4 Has all appropriate paperwork been completed correctly (i.e COSS, MC/CC Checklists)?* 8.5 Is a copy of the WPP available on site?* 8.6 Is there F10 (Notifications of a project) displayed where appropriate?* 8.7 Are Operatives within the 14 hour door to door rule?*9. INSTALLATION PROGRESS / STANDARD / DEFECTS 9.1 Check installation progress against programme / design?* 9.2 Check installations meets the relevant standards in the approved designs?* 9.3 Have any defects been indentified?* 9.4 Check with staff if they have indentified any issues with Install/Design/Programme?* 9.5 Check with Client/Contractor/Local staff if there are any new or outstanding issues?*10. GENERAL 10.1 Site housekeeping e.g. safe stacking of materials, nails in timbers etc* 10.2 Have all Quantum workers declared they have taken any medication recently?*SubmitReset